Technical Services

Housing Development Consulting

Gateway assists developers with access to funds for affordable housing finance and operation, and is experienced in the development of proposals and applications for Low Income Housing and Historic Tax Credit financing to State Housing Finance Agencies and other funders.

Services also include advice regarding predevelopment loans, first mortgages, and emergency operating funds. Our services are particularly useful in preparing the developer for general partner status in an affordable housing partnership.

Training in Project Operations and Financial Projections

Because sound underwriting is a crucial component of providing capital to communities, Gateway staff trains community-based developers to prepare financial projections that meet a lender’s underwriting criteria and accurately reflect a project’s economic potential in a concise and logical format.

Training in Construction Draw Management

Many community based developers of affordable housing lack the ability to effectively move from planning to project execution. Detailed budgets reflecting approved development costs, change order tracking and approval, costs incurred to date and costs to complete are a necessary aspect of the development activity.  Gateway staff can train and assist developers in the implementation of these tools and controls to more effectively manage the construction process and budget.

Training in Compliance and Asset Management

Gateway provides this training for managers of affordable housing, tailored to the individual client, as well as a periodic overall LIHTC compliance training seminar. A properly occupied property is self-sustaining and compliant with the rules of affordable housing finance, easily meeting the projections developed in the planning stage.

Physical Needs Assessments

Gateway provides owners with tailored needs assessments of rental housing porfolios, and offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in the building trades, including the unique challenges of preserving older buildings and maintaining reasonable operating costs throughout a development’s life cycle.

Had it not been for the receipt of this funding, we simply would not have been able to begin our project.

Margaret May - Executive Director, Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council