Gateway has invited Erik Whitton with EJW Qualified Compliance Consulting, LLC to conduct a one day Section 42 and HOME training seminar. Erik has over 17 years of experience in the multifamily affordable housing industry and is an expert in this field. For more information, please see the registration form or contact Amy McDermott at email hidden; JavaScript […]
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Gateway Offers Section 42 Training
Gateway is pleased to be part of the newly formed Kansas City CDFI Coalition
The Kansas City CDFI Coalition announced its launch on December 19, 2017. The Coalition is a partnership among 13 certified and emerging Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) that offer an array of capital, development and consulting services, and share a common mission to empower low- to moderate-income communities. Gateway is proud to be part of […]
CDFI Day in Kansas City
Join Kansas City area CDFIs, banks and philanthropic organizations for Kansas City’s CDFI DAY at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on November 14, 2017. Annie Donovan, Director of the U.S. Treasury’s CDFI Fund, will give the keynote address, after which participants will break into two groups to learn from banks and philanthropies their […]
Gateway’s Lending Activity Increases
Gateway’s Participation Loan Pool in St. Louis has loans outstanding of just under $1 million. In addition, guidance lines have been approved for three Community Development Corporations totaling just over $1 million that will permit these entities to purchase, rehabilitate and offer for resale distressed properties in St. Louis. And most recently, the Loan Pool […]
SAVE THE DATE - LIHTC Compliance Training in St. Louis!
Gateway CDFI is hosting a low-income housing tax credit compliance seminar on Tuesday, May 17, 2016. The training will be presented by Erik Whitton with Spectrum Enterprises, Inc. and will fulfill MHDC’s Section 42 compliance training requirement. Look for the registration information in March. Seating is limited so please respond to the registration quickly. We look forward to […]
Gateway’s consulting practice continues to grow
Late summer was a busy time for Gateway. Staff and consultants completed one application for housing financed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits and also secured contracts for pre-development and construction management work for two additional tax credit- financed properties; one in St. Louis with the Salvation Army – Midland Division, for the 3010 Apartments, […]
Gateway Loan Pool
Staff has been successful in attracting capital from financial institutions for Participation Loan Pools in St. Louis and Kansas City. Plans progress to deploy these funds beginning early in the 4th quarter of 2013. In St. Louis these funds will be used for pre-development lending for LIHTC proposals and first mortgage financing for LIHTC properties […]
Consulting with Developers of LIHTC Properties
Gateway is currently working toward contracts with the General Partners of two LIHTC properties. One, on the Missouri side of the metro area, will submit an application for tax credits to MHDC in September. Another, in Belleville, IL, received an allocation of tax credits from the Illinois Housing Development Authority in June, based on an […]
Real Estate Tax Appeals
Early in August Gateway staff and consultants were successful in appealing the real estate tax assessments for four General Partners of 14 LIHTC properties in St. Louis County. Under prior precedents, State Tax Commission decisions, and court cases recognized by many county assessors in Missouri, the accepted methodology for valuing LIHTC properties has recently utilized the […]
Gateway establishes Participation Loan Pools in St. Louis and Kansas City
Work is progressing toward establishing Participation Loan Pools in St. Louis and Kansas City. The loans will be made for the purpose of creating or preserving affordable housing in Gateway’s target markets. The focus of a loan pool in St. Louis will be for intermediate to long term lending for mortgages on LIHTC properties which […]
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