Gateway’s consulting practice continues to grow

Late summer was a busy time for Gateway. Staff and consultants completed one application for housing financed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits and also secured contracts for pre-development and construction management work for two additional tax credit- financed properties; one in St. Louis with the Salvation Army – Midland Division, for the 3010 Apartments, and the other in Belleville, IL, with Touchette Regional Hospital and Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation for the Cottages at Cathedral Square. These properties are scheduled to start construction in the next several months.

DeSales Community Housing Corporation has engaged Gateway to assist management in developing a new Business Plan, and that work is scheduled to begin at the end of October. DeSales is an excellent example of a well-run community development corporation with an active board of directors eager to plan for the future success of the organization. Gateway is pleased to have the opportunity to guide them in this exercise.

In Kansas City, Gateway staff continues their work with the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Kansas City, MO, as they work toward a strategic plan that will carry them through the next few years.

Had it not been for the receipt of this funding, we simply would not have been able to begin our project.

Margaret May - Executive Director, Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council